Yangming High School International Class Enrollment Regulations for the 2025-2026 School Year
- 符合「外國專業人才延攬及僱用法」第 4 條規定之外國專業人才(不含依補習及進修教育法立案之短期補習班之專任教師)、外國特定專業人才及外國高級專業人才之子女。( https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=A0030295 )
- 外國專業人才:指得在我國從事專業工作之外國人。
- 外國特定專業人才:指外國專業人才具有中央目的事業主管機關公告之我國所需科技、經濟、教育、文化藝術、體育、金融、法律、建築設計、國防及其他領域之特殊專長,或經主管機關會 商相關中央目的事業主管機關認定具有特殊專長者。
- 外國高級專業人才:指入出國及移民法所定為我國所需之高級專業人才。
- 專業工作:指下列工作:(a) 就業服務法( https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=N0090001 )第四十六條第一項第一款至第三款、第五款及第六款所定工作。(b) 就業服務法第四十八條第一項第一款及第三款所定工作。(c) 依補習及進修教育法立案之短期補習班(以下簡稱短期補習班)之專任外國語文教師,或具專門知識或技術,且經中央目的事業主管機關會商教育部指定之短期補習班教師。(招收對象不含本項人才之子女)(d) 教育部核定設立招收外國專業人才、外國特定專業人才及外國高級專業人才子女專班之外國語文以外之學科教師。(e) 學校型態實驗教育實施條例、公立高級中等以下學校委託私人辦理實驗教育條例及高級中等以下教育階段非學校型態實驗教育實施條例所定學科、外國語文課程教學、師資養成、課程研發及活動推廣工作。
- 符合「境外優秀科學技術人才子女來臺就學辦法」( https://law.moj.gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=H0060024 )對象之子女。
- 返國學人或經理人等國際人才之子女,其與子女在國外連續居留滿一年以上。
- 依據教育部「完善我國海外攬才政策就學配套實施計畫」辦理之公立國民中學設置轉銜課程計畫雙語教育班及語言教育班學生,且於報考時具上述(一)至(三)項條件之一。
**Eligibility Criteria for Enrollment in the “Special Class for Children of Overseas Talent”:Applicants must meet one of the following conditions
- Children of foreign professionals (not including full-time teachers in short-term cram schools registered which are excluded in accordance with the Tutoring and Continuing Education Act), specified foreign professionals, and foreign senior professionals who meet the provisions of Article 4 of the “Foreign Professional Talent Acquisition and Employment Act” (https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=A0030295)
- Foreign professionals: Refers to foreigners who are allowed to engage in professional work in our country.
- Specific Foreign Professional Talent: Refers to foreign professionals in the preceding paragraph who have special expertise in science and technology, economics, education, culture, arts, sports, and other fields required by the country as announced by the central competent business authority.
- Foreign high-level professionals: Refers to high-level professionals needed by Taiwan, as defined in the Immigration Act.
- Professional Work: Includes the following categories: (a) Work specified in Article 46, Paragraph 1 to 3, 5, and 6 of the Employment Services Act. ( https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=N0090001) (b) Work as specified in Article 48, Paragraph 1, paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Employment Services Act. (c) Full-time foreign language teachers at short-term cram schools established under the Supplementary and Continuing Education Law (referred to hereafter as “short-term cram schools”), or teachers with specialized knowledge or skills recognized by the central competent authority in consultation with the Ministry of Education for designated short-term cram schools. (Children of such personnel are not eligible for enrollment.) (d) Teachers in subjects other than foreign languages who are approved by the Ministry of Education for the establishment of special classes for the children of foreign professionals, specific foreign professionals, and senior foreign professionals. (e) Work related to subject instruction, foreign language courses, teacher training, curriculum development, and activity promotion as defined by the Experimental Education Act, the Act for Promoting Private Participation in Public Education below Senior High School, and the Act Governing Non-School-Based Experimental Education below Senior High School.
- Children who are eligible for the “Regulations for Children of Outstanding Overseas Scientific and Technological Talent Studying in Taiwan.”(https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=H0060024)
- Children of Returning Scholars, Managers, or Other International Talent who have resided abroad continuously for over one year along with their children.
- Students of Bilingual Education Classes or Language Education Classes at public junior high schools established under the Ministry of Education’s “Comprehensive Study Plan for Overseas Talent Recruitment Policies,” provided they meet one of the conditions listed in Points (1) through (3) at the time of application.
- 2025海攬計畫
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