
Monthly Quotes

2024 Jun.

Proverbs are short sentences drawn from long experience.”   – Miguel de Cervantes –

2024 May.

Most people never heal, because they stay in their heads, replaying corrupted scenarios. Let it go.”   – S. menutt –

2024 Feb.

Mistakes is another word for Experience, both are a path to wisdom.”   – Ashaf –

2024 Jan. 

“Some people feel the rain, others just get wet”   – Bob Marley –

This quote reflects different views via a positive or negative mindset.
Do you take the time to FEEL the rain and appreciate it?
Or do you simply JUST GET WET and see rain as a nuisance?

2023 Dec. “Motor Skill Expressions”

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old…We grow old because we stop playing”   – George Bernard Shaw –

The first way most children learn motor skills is through playing!
Building blocks, coloring books, and action figures are all common examples of this.
Play teaches us to use our bodies efficiently and keeps our minds sharp.

2023 Nov. “Healthy Living”

“Make your body your machine.” 

Our body is the vessel that carries us around and let’s do all of our daily tasks.
It’s important that we treat it well with healthy food, rest, and exercise.
We must take care of it the same way we would with machines when giving it power, fresh oil, and new parts.